When looking for a hosting solution for your mission-critical software application, we believe it's important to look for one that focuses on performance and the actual hosting environment, not just the lowest price. The hosting environment you choose will be the foundation for your business, and you'll need a hosting partner that understands both your business and the software application that runs it.
Because hosting is very complex and constantly evolving, we have partnered with Amazon Web Services to serve the needs of not only our own internal applications but for client applications as well. Our hosting environments are designed specifically for the needs of the mission-critical software applications we create and manage.
You can rest easy knowing that your data is secure and hosted in the United States. All of our servers are professionally monitored around the clock with immediate access to dedicated support engineers.
$ 25 / mon
$ 50 / mon
$ 100 / mon
Pricing is monthly. The stack is LAMP. Additional services are available.
Performance: Our server architecture delivers fast performance and the resources needed to run even the most demanding software applications and databases.
Scalability: Feel confident no matter how small or large your software application is because our servers seamlessly scale resources as your business grows.
Above & Beyond Support: Dedicated Infrastructure Support from our provider plus Application Level Support from the developers that wrote the code.
Enterprise Level Security: Fire Walls, PCI/SSL Compliance, Anti-Virus, Physical Access Control, and Modern Coding Standards are among just a few security measures we employ throughout our hosting environment.
In Person or by Phone Consultations with NO obligation.
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